We have a building to use. It is very nice. It also has to be managed. The fire sprinkler system was not working properly but I believe we have that fixed - thank you, All-Star Fire. The air conditioning units have been stolen on the back side of the building. Recently, the wiring for the sanctuary air units was stolen. We are now trying to rectify these issues. Anyone have $13,000 they wish to donate to a church trying to get going? Please let me know.
I think the most difficult problem is not being able to fix the problem. This is a big issue for any leader. So how do I proceed?
1. Prayer. Prayer. Prayer. I cannot without God. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. I am not by any means discouraged. God opened the door and I am certain He had a plan for it. But I cannot know without approaching Him and relying on His direction.
2. Ask for help. Again, I do not have any control of the issues but I can find people who do know. Hiring a company to do the repairs is only part of the solution. I will need to rely on the help and patience of others such as the fire marshall who had to show up each night at about the same time to a false alarm. Praying this does not happen tonight. Leaders have to know their weaknesses and limitations. They have to learn to ask for help.
3. Delegate. The process of giving up the control one has over a situation and trusting others to do it. Maybe I should willingness instead of process but process describes what a leader should be doing - building up new leaders and setting them free to make mistakes and to learn. If I fail to continually grow and empower leaders, then I fail this organization - this church family. Delegation is a process that will teach me to share the load.
4. Did I mention prayer? What about keep learning? Problems and situations we face are all opportunities. If I cannot fix it , then it is not my problem and should not be overtly occupying my time. All things I can control are mine from which to grow and to learn. Failure overcomes a leader who is not growing intellectually and spiritually.
5. Take care of myself and my family. My family does not need my stress. I do not need stress. Proper sleep, proper diet, and proper exercise habits will all reduce stress. I am doing better with exercise. My eating habits have improved but need more concentration. My sleep pattern is the one area I need to improve. My family will thank me. My church family will thank me. My body will thank me. A leader cannot offer his or her best if he or she is not functioning properly.
Okay. That is my action plan. What is yours? Write it out. Then work the plan. You will thank you.
I wasn't kidding about donations though. We could use it. Check out Faith Community Church to learn how you can help.
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