Friday, August 28, 2015

God Does Listen - Psalm 27:7

Hear my voice when I call, Lord ; be merciful to me and answer me. - Psalm 27:7 NIV

Ever felt alone?  Ever felt as if life was trying to push you aside?  David felt this way.  He felt as if everyone was abandoning him, and he was alone.  But David knew where to turn.  David understood the relationship he had with God.

How close are we with God? Could we like David ask God to hear our voice when we call out His name?  The answer is yes.  God knows us intimately.  He knows our voice.  The right question would be, do we acknowledge God as personal? 

David was bold when he spoke to God.  David felt this relationship was his highest relationship.  I asked my kids if they could make friends with someone if they never talked to them. They said no.  Can we be friends of God if we never talk to Him? The answer is still no.

To have a relationship with God goes beyond His hearing our voice when we cry out to Him.  To have a relationship with God also requires us to be able to know His voice. The more we learn to talk with God then the greater our ability to hear His voice.  To do this we have to have a true relationship with Him offered through salvation.

God is merciful and listens to those to whom He has offered mercy.  We have to accept it.  We have to acknowledge that we need it.  Besides, how can we receive mercy without first acknowledging from whom mercy is given?

God is waiting to answer.  Talk with Him today.

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