Monday, August 31, 2015

Above the Law - Psalm 119:143

Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands give me delight.
Psalm 119:143 NIV

When haven't you faced trouble or distress?  I know I faced it often as I grew up, and it wasn't always my doing.  Troubles come and go.  They are usually temporary.  The truth about troubles comes from how they test us.  Do we flow with the trouble or do we rise up?

Rules, regulations, and laws all coalesce to help regulate how people react to troubles.  In some cases, they help to correct the wrong actions of others, and in other cases, they help us stay on the right path.  We can delight that we live in a nation (the United States in my example) built on laws that help us feel safer as we go about our day.  The laws are written to help motivate correct behavior - though as of late we have seen many who have decided laws are not for them and they shirk their responsibilities toward others and violate them violently.  The laws did not fail.  People did.

This is why I delight in a more perfect law (upon which the United States based it's laws).  I delight in the law of the Lord, because where man's law falls short, God's law does not.  I know God will hold people accountable for their actions (and at times entire nations). 

The greatest advice I can give is to allow Jesus to be your Savior so that the Holy Spirit can enter into your life and enable you to walk in His fruit.  Why? There is no law against it.  The Fruit of the Spirit is a choice by us to determine to live the best possible life we can with the help of God. Along the way we can rely on the strength given to us through Jesus, and what's more, God gives us goals to guide us into an eternal home.

We can delight in the commands of God because when all else is said and done, He is the final authority.  So come as you will troubles and distress, I will choose to follow Jesus and will joyfully walk in His love.

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