Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Unplug For Once - Psalm 46:10

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10 NIV

Life is too busy.  Cell phones, instant news, instant foods, instant....All this instant is supposed to help us become more productive but does it?

We have all these things that occupy our time or should I say monopololize our time.  We loose sight of important things like family, friends, and peace and quiet.

With all the wars and problems that King David faced, God reminds him that he needed to unplug more often and be still.  David needed to recognize the existence of God, and God's control over the world. 

When we unplug and are still long enough, we can take a long enough breath to recognize God's hand at work in our life.  Too many people do not take enough time to admire the beauty of Creation and the immensity of the universe.  There is so much for which we should thankful.

Take time to unplug once and a while.  Look for God, talk to God, and know God.  Your worldview will change, your circumstances will change, and your life will change.  Let the peace of God sustain you.

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