Thursday, August 27, 2015

Let God Fill the Emptiness - Isaiah 26:3-5

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.  Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord , the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.  He humbles those who dwell on high, he lays the lofty city low...- Isaiah 26:3-5 NIV

Simply put, God gives peace to those who love Him.  But look at the wording.

You - meaning God and no other
Will keep - it is not a one time work but a continuing action by the all sufficient and Almighty
In perfect peace - even though life will throw things in our paths and even when in our lives we face troubles and even though we may get distracted, God will bring it all back into focus - if we trust in Him.

God is the sole source of salvation. When we trust in Him, He faithfully cares for us.  The problem arises when someone gets a notion that he or she is better than God or when he or she doesn't think God is necessary anymore.  So God says okay.

Now I do not mean okay as in "You know..I've been contemplating this and I think you are right.  I am unnecessary."

God says, "Okay, if you want to do it on your own, then do it, but realize My hand will not be in it.  You will have to make it on your own. But also realize, there is only one way to heaven...only one way back to me. Your only out is to return to trusting in me through choosing the sacrifice of my Son.  I will be waiting." 

The awesome thing in this is that as God waits He is putting into motion an awesome plan of love to return our focus back to Him.  Some will hear but some will choose not to listen.  God's idea of waiting is to step towards us.

For those who do not listen, however, God lets them experience life without Him.  Some will go on to be successful by our standards while others will experience pain and hurt.  Neither will ever have true peace.  Neither will ever be content or satisfied.

Only God's perfect peace can help.  Guess what? Those who are steadfast will also find some who will become successful and others who will struggle.  The only difference will be the peace that resides within...the contentment that only comes from God.

Are you at peace or are you always looking to fill that emptiness?   Let God fill the void.  Trust Him for the peace that only He can give because He knows us and knows what we need.

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