Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve

Acts 4:11-12 NIV

Jesus is “ ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’  Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

A lame man by the touch of faith arises and begins to walk and dance and rejoice.  A great commotion starts up as people begin to recognize the beggar who sat for years asking for help.  Praise goes up to God for the miracle and then the faith police step in - the rulers of the temple. 

"We cannot have this commotion.  Arrest these men and let's get to the bottom of this."  Peter and John are taken to be questioned.  The dancing formerly lame man is brought forward as a witness.  The crowds begin spreading word about the miracle and more people are praising God.  The faith police are losing control of their nice and tidy place of worship. 

This is how the first Christians were received.  They, through the power of the Holy Spirit, performed an act of kindness.  Seems far-fetched that such could happen today but just look at what is going on.  The president of the American Bible Society says they were sued recently because someone wanted a warning label put in every Bible saying that reading the Bible is hazardous to your health.  Pastors in Canada cannot mention any sin that may make a person feel uncomfortable or they face arrest.  Churches in the United States are facing the same threat from lawmakers. 

Peter, full of the Holy Spirit, did not let a night in jail deter him.  He boldly spoke about Jesus.  He was not ashamed of Jesus nor shaken by the response of the so-called 'elite'.  He quotes Psalm 118:22 which says "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone."  Everything about Christianity is built on the sacrifice of Jesus.  Jesus was rejected by those who should have known Him and today He is rejected by those who refuse to know Him.  Yet He is still the same and never changes.  His love is still available for anyone who will accept His sacrifice for their life.

Reject as they will.  Persecute as they must.  The name of Jesus will still prevail.  The book has already been written.  The future is already set.  The choice remains in how we will interact with this future.  Will we shy away in fear or stand boldly under the power (or unction) of the Holy Spirit?  Will we run in shame or proclaim the name that is above every other name?  What others do will rest in this choice.  As for me and my house - we will serve the Lord!

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