Wednesday, June 12, 2013

All Are Justified

Romans 3:23-24 NIV

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."

What is justice?  The word seems lost on today's society.  If you Google justice, the first website is a kids clothing store.   You also get the Department of Justice.   The definitions that appear at the bottom of the page define justice with one particular word - right or righteousness.  For something to be right, there has to be a moral or an ethical standard.  No wonder true justice seems lost.  Morality has become subjective or based on feeling.

Paul tells the Romans that everyone has sinned, and the sin is compared to God's glory.  This is heavily rejected by many today because they feel judged and do not like it.  Sad to say but sin is sin and we cannot dismiss it based on feeling.  Sin, big or small, separates us from God.  Just ignoring sin does not make God go away.  Sin causes us to fall short of the glory for which God created us - Him.  We cannot, on our own, approach the all-loving and all-caring God through sin.  So He made a way for us.

The way to God does not cost us anything.  We no longer have to feel judged by a standard that seems unapproachable.  Jesus died in our place (for sin leads to death) so we can approach God.  True justice applied through redemption - a paid ransom.  The cost of sin is death but Jesus stepped in to pay it.  No bargaining.  No expected return other than to freely accept the payment.

Through Christ we are redeemed (paid for).  There is no longer any guilt from sin.  Peace exudes.  Our past is forgotten and our future is laid out before us.  We are given keys to a kingdom with no bounds.  We are only asked to follow God's ways.  Ways that lead to grace and mercy.  Ways that lead to eternity.  Ways that lead to peace.

You do not have to live under judgement anymore.  Sin does not have to have control over you.   You can have peace and freedom.  It is your choice.

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