"This is what the Lord says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go."
Who is teaching your children? What about your grandchildren? What are they learning? What do you hope for them to learn?
I pray for my kids everyday as they enter into the schools run by the government. I do not fear most teachers. I do not fear education. I do not want my kids exposed to those who enter into the schools with personal liberal agendas. I worked in a school as a bookkeeper. I know how wasteful government spending has become. So I pray for my kids. Then, I teach them.
I want them to know the Bible. I teach them about finances (whether they want to hear or not). I teach them practical skills. And unfortunately, I teach them some of my own personal hangups. My wife and I are determined to be the greatest influence in the lives of our children until they can grasp how personal Christ is. We have to be the beacon for God to teach them what is best and in directing them in which way to go.
Sometimes with teaching comes discipline. Discipline is learned. Punishment is not discipline. Punishment is only a small portion of discipline. Punishment should not be our first action. It should be a last resort. Discipline is training until something becomes a part of our character - being on time, finishing what we start, honoring authority, etc.
God is the quintessential parent. God did not give a bunch of rules in order to squash fun and joy. He gave rules to protect and direct and teach the people of Israel. Mankind, through sin, choose to live on his and her own. God obliged.
The first generations after sin entered the world quickly fell away from God which brought about a great flood. They had stopped listening to God. God allows new nations to arise. The new nations cease to adhere to the lesson from the flood and out of selfishness try to reach God by building a large tower. God mixes up the languages, and the people move out across the globe. Living with God is not as easy at it looks. We get ourselves into a lot of trouble without His guidance. Many times it seems as if God only responds with punishment but we have to look at how patient He truly is.
God eventually establishes rules to show Israel how they would have to live in order to maintain a relationship with Him. The rules prove how useless our own efforts are when trying to maintain a relationship with God. This is why so many people give up on God today. They are still trying to live by these rules without the true guide - the Holy Spirit given by Jesus. Upon reading this next verse, we see what happens wen we do not pay attention to God.
Isaiah 48:18 - "If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea."Peace that flows like a river can only come through Christ. Well-being that is as continuous as the waves of the sea can only be produced through understanding God's teaching and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God has made it simple yet we complicate it.
God teaches discipline and personally guides us. However, we have to take up the mantle and choose to follow His direction. Peace and well-being are at stake. As for my kids, I have a feeling God's influence will carry them forward into the future He has designed for them. I just have to remain aimed at the goal. As I follow, hopefully so shall they.
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