Saturday, May 25, 2013

Stepping Into the Impossible

Mark 10:27 NIV
"Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.'”

I like Mission Impossible - the television series.   I saw the pilot for it not too long ago and thought the writers did a good job weaving together a tale for a difficult task and then making it impossible.  The main characters always get out of the tough situations.   Just like the movie series when it has you thinking one thing and it pulls a twist in the end.

Getting to heaven is not like Mission Impossible.   No man can act on his own and make it.  No amount of riches, philanthropy, talents, or goodness can erase our natural state - sin.  We are all born into sin whether we want it or not.  The earliest tendencies of a child are towards self-centeredness which is the foundation for sinful actions.  We cannot work our way out of it.  It is a part of our nature.

This is why we need God.  For Him , nothing is impossible.  For us to get from sin to God, however, requires us to accept our natural state and the humility that admits our need for Him.  God's nature is not sinful.  We can only get to heaven if we have God's nature - mission impossible for us but not for God.

God sent Jesus to die as a sacrifice.  His sacrificed allows us to approach God directly.  Through accepting this sacrifice (this free, unearned gift), Jesus places His nature upon us - a sinless nature.  We become a part of God's family (Jesus is the vine who supplies us with His nature - see yesterday's post). 

Accept your true nature, seek God, and ask for forgiveness, and the impossible becomes possible.  This is your mission if you should choose to accept it.  This message will self destruct....

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