John 15:5 NIV
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
We used to have muscadine vines on my parent's property. Muscadines are Southern grapes that are full of seeds. When picking you have to watch out for spiders and wasp nests. The fruit is great tasting and has many different uses. The main vine was thick and strong and had many branches that sprouted from it.
For Christ followers, Jesus is our life and our support. Jesus provides all we need for life, and we are to bear the fruit - much fruit. Now think about this. Fruit, according to one commentary, is not limited to introducing others to Jesus! God provides all our needs. God provides the desires of our heart. God provides love, joy, and peace. Much fruit!
This fruit should align with His will, however. God is not a vending machine - He is much better. He supplies our needs according to His riches in glory. In other words, He answers prayers. Not everything is granted so we do not become self-centered in our requests. The best we ask for at times is miniscule compared to His answers. There is some fruit in which He provides overwhelmingly - such as love, joy, peace, and much more (John 15:7; 2 Peter 1:5-8).
How hard is life when you have to provide everything, when you have to muster up all the love and joy and peace, or when you have to hold everything together? With Jesus, He is the supplier. One of His Hebrew names is Jehovah-Jireh - the Provider. This is why He calls Himself the vine. We are His fruit and equips us and prepares us for more. Remain connected to the Supplier.
Apart from Jesus, we cannot do anything that is spiritually acceptable. Remain in relationship with Him. There is a lot more room in your life for the fruit He has prepared for you.
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