I didn't know they did this. I should not be surprised, however. The more I spend time trying to find meaning in the midst of the drivel that emerges from our governing officials, the more I am turned off by the two central party's that claim to have my interest in their hearts.
For example, the federal government is currently dominated by the Democratic Party which acts more like a socialistic, semi-communistic party. The health care law which is slowly defying our freedom will prove this more when the Democrats claim that the plan just cannot work, and then they force everyone into a single payer system.
The Republicans are just as guilty. Many of them are as careless with their own personal assets as they are with federal spending. Obviously they are unable to understand that spending more than you bring in leads to debt. The Democrats, not wanting to be outdone, have turned overspending and fiscal irresponsibility into some sort of twisted science.
I know we cannot use a faith test to qualify those who represent us, but can we not use a debt test? Think about it. To run for office you have to demonstrate that you are not in any personal debt and have a full understanding of fiscal responsibility.
Back to the lastest drivel...
Georgia's governor, who proclaims limited government is best, is the same governor who uses the police state to usurp the rights of parents by mandating that a physical education teacher act as a medical professional. The teacher records medical information (BMI - body mass index) and then gives parents the information. Also, without consulting a medical professional and without the presence of medical professionals, a teacher records the information and then submits the information (BMI) to the state government. I know teachers can do math, but medical care is not in their educational requirements. I believe recording any medical information without the presence of medical supervision (which includes BMI) is beyond the licensing and the job description of any teacher.
Yep, the Republicans are really about limited government. Guess that is why I am leaning more and more towards the Constitution Party.
Below is the GA Code that gives the school board the right to record medical information without medical supervision:
Georgia Code OCGA 20-2-777 (SHAPE Act)
O.C.G.A. § 20-2-777
GEORGIA CODE Copyright 2009 by The State of Georgia All rights reserved.
*** Current through the 2009 Regular Session ***
O.C.G.A. § 20-2-777 (2009)
§ 20-2-777.
Annual fitness assessment program; reporting and compliance
(a) (1) Beginning in the 2011-2012 school year, each local school system shall conduct an annual fitness assessment program, as approved and funded by the State Board of Education, one time each school year for students in grades one through 12, to be conducted only during a physical education course that is taught by a certificated physical education teacher in which a student is enrolled. Such assessments shall include methods deemed by the State Board of Education as appropriate to ascertain levels of student physical fitness. Each local school system shall report the individual results of the fitness assessment to the parent or guardian of each student assessed and the aggregate results of the fitness assessments by school to the State Board of Education annually in a format approved and funded by the State Board of Education. The minimum required contents of the report shall be determined by the State Board of Education.
(2) Each local school system shall be required to provide at least the minimum instruction in physical education prescribed by the State Board of Education in rules and regulations established pursuant to subsection (c) of Code Section 20-2-142.
(b) The State Board of Education shall be responsible for the coordination of health and physical education and fitness activities and requirements, including, but not limited to, modification or promulgation of rules and regulations related thereto. The State Board of Education shall adopt and disseminate to local school systems standards which adequately express the most current and widely accepted best practices and benchmarks in the areas of student health and physical education. The State Board of Education's efforts may be supported with state, federal, or private funding or a combination thereof.
(c) The State Board of Education shall submit an annual report to the Governor, beginning October 1, 2012, and annually thereafter. Such report shall include the compliance status of each local school system and each school with applicable State Board of Education rules and regulations. The Governor may, in coordination with the State Board of Education, establish one or more recognition programs to acknowledge local school systems and schools which have most improved in their physical fitness assessments. The Governor may collaborate with private corporations in the development and implementation of recognition programs pursuant to this subsection, including providing monetary or other incentives to local school systems or schools for attaining certain levels of health status. All local school systems or schools receiving acknowledgment through a recognition program established by the Governor pursuant to this subsection shall also be recognized on the State Board of Education's website.
(d) This Code section, except for subsection (b), shall be repealed on June 30, 2019.
HISTORY: Code 1981, § 20-2-777, enacted by Ga. L. 2009, p. 191, § 1/HB 229.
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