Thursday, November 20, 2014

Choose Friends Wisely - Proverbs 13:20

Proverbs 13:20 NIV

"Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm."

A man started walking one day and was in a hurry so he cut through the park to get to town.  Halfway through the park he heard a lot of footsteps and became frightened so he walked even faster.  Just as the footsteps increased he made it to the other side of the park and ran to the  closest building and ducked inside.  Once inside he turned around and looked only to find a group of joggers running by.

Knowing who you are walking with will change your perspective in life.  Young gang members walk with fools and harm comes.  Impressionable youth see popular icons freely subverting God's guidelines for life and fall prey to their lack of wisdom.  We need wise people to start coming alongside of our youth and to become the light they need to be wise adults.

Check your friends.  Are they leading you to a strong and a vibrant life, or are they pulling you down so they are not alone in their guilt?  You have the power to change your friends.  Make wise choices and watch life open up to you.  Pray about your choices and watch God open an abundant life.

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