Thursday, September 19, 2013

Gift Givers

Jonah 2:8 NIV

“Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them."

Maybe I should have posted this one earlier.  The holiday season is upon us.  Black Friday is roaring.  No fight at Walmart last night.  All the bargain hunters are at their best right now. Why?  What are we seeking?  Will it make our lives easier?  Is it for the moment of joy the gifts will give on Christmas morning?

I am all for gift giving.  I enjoy bringing a smile to others.   A great gift giver has been my grandma.  She doesn't have a lot of money but she gets the most practical gifts.  She buys things we can use everyday.  Then she makes treats we can share.

God is the best gift giver.  He gave His Son so we can have eternal life.  He freely gives us His love.  He freely shows mercy.  He without reservation listens for us to call. 

So as you seek that gift you cannot do without this holiday season, ask yourself if that gift can compare to God's love.  If it does, you may be creating an idol.  Besides, everyone that bought that $98 flat screen tv last night - enjoy it but remember it was just a bargain.  God's love is eternal and cost the life of His Son.

Enjoy your holidays, and turn to God's love this season.

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