Sunday, August 18, 2013

Unbending Faith

Galatians 1:10 NIV

"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."

There are many reasons to follow Jesus and many people who do.  We have to be careful to follow the correct Jesus.  History is filled with those who claim special revelation - Joseph Smith (of the Latter Day Saints/Mormons), Muhammad, Jehovah's Witnesses, and David Koresh to name a few.  The people of Galatia were being confused by such people.  These false teachers perverted the true Gospel to get people to like them. 

Paul reacts with passion about this trickery and how easily the people fell away from the true gospel message.  Paul never went into an area to made king for the day.  In fact, many times his preaching was not popular because acceptance of the true gospel required people to admit sin and change.  You cannot please people into accepting Christ.  You can teach them the truth that frees them from sin. 

If we compromise God's truths just to make a few people more comfortable, then we are doing it for ourselves and not for God.  Jonah from the Old Testament struggled with sharing God's message and he ended up in a big mess.  Our job is to introduce the real faith in Christ so others can recognize the drawing of the Holy Spirit towards a life in Christ.  No compromise - just truth.

I have seen strong men bend steel.  This is impressive since I worked in an industry that used powerful machines to twist metal rebar into special shapes.  Once bent the metal is used to reinforce concrete.  Once bent, if it is not correct, the metal is useless. Bent steel cannot be rebent because it loses its integrity.  Bent faith is also useless and loses integrity.  Unlike steel, however, faith can be corrected.

The next time you are tempted to bend your faith for the sake of others - check yourself.  Ask yourself if you are pleasing God. If not, seek God and correct yourself.  I pray you have a great day today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray I never dilute the Gospel. Thanks for the TRUTH!