Friday, October 23, 2009

One Who Obeyed

Romans 5:12-21

God puts a lot of emphasis here on one topic: one sin caused many to be condemned while many sinners are reconciled through One who obeyed. Over and over this passage reiterates where sin came from, what it does, and how God is still more powerful.

If I were to write sermon points from this text, I would probably go about it like this:

Point one: "Because sin steals life, life is returned through Jesus" (verse 15)

Many have died at the hands of sin. In fact, we all die as a result of Adam's sin. Adam, kicked out of the garden to keep him from eating from the Tree of Life, is the symbol of sin's entrance into the world and its affect on all people. My guess is that if he had eaten from the Tree of Life, reconciliation may never have been offered. God is His grace paved a way to reconciliation by sending Adam out into the world. Then God sent His Son into the world to give life for all who would choose to accept it. Life is offered as a gift through Christ. His actions offer grace to all mankind.

Point two: "Because sin steals life, life is abundantly given through Jesus" (verse 16-17)

How much more does grace overcome the affects of sin? More than can be measured. God's loving grace is abundantly more powerful than the stain of sin. Maybe pride keeps people from accepting this free gift. I guess they want to keep doing things their own failing way. Judgement follows sin, but grace allows for justification. That's what Jesus offers: a way out of condemnation and into grace. How much more? Abundantly more!

Point three: "Because sin steals life, life is the result through Jesus" (v.18-19)

One act of sin stole life from all people. But one act of grace, one act of righteousness, opens the door to life for all. The act of Jesus, to die for all sin, yields a final result. No further act is necessary to justify those who seek out and accept the gift of life.

Disobedience makes the heart stubborn and self-sufficient. That's why I say that Adam was kept from eating from the Tree of Life. God did not want Adam boasting. God did not want Adam to claim life by his own hand. It would have been a lie. The Tree of Life was a gift, freely given by God. Life is always freely given by God; it is His idea. There is nothing disobedience can do to make things right. Only the righteous act of Christ could freely offer life once again. So we are left to choose: life or death.

I love verse 20:
The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more Romans 5:20 (NIV)
Sin may reign in death (which is pretty limited if you asked me), but grace reigns in eternal life through Jesus, which means forever, without any limits. It all culminates in the righteousness of Jesus. Without that, we remain lifeless.
  • How grateful are you for the work Jesus did for you?
  • What does God's grace mean to you?
  • What is abundant life? How does your life reflect it?

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