Monday, October 19, 2009

Freely By Grace

Romans 3:21-31

I was at a leadership conference last week and got off schedule. Here is some more of the Romans study.
Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law. Romans 3:31 (NIV)
Unfortunately, I believe a number of Christians think we can nullify the concepts of the law. Before you jump on this statement, realize that Paul is not condemning the law but showing that the law without the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit is impossible to uphold. The law is God's barometer of faith.

Some people push extremes in ways that gray righteousness. They put limits on commitment, especially in marriage; their language is not refined (Colossians 3:8); their ideas for vengeance eclipses God; they lack the ability to forgive and be patient; they've redefined sexual purity; they measure holiness by their own standard. And I am just dealing with many who call themselves Christians. This is why we need this section of Scripture.

God declares righteousness through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.
There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Romans 3:22-24 (NIV)
The availability of righteousness is God's fulfillment of and answer to Old Testament law and prophecy. There is not any difference in people. We all have sinned and that sin is judged equally, and all sin is punishable by death and eternity in hell. That is not God's plan for us. His plan is to bring all to a place of life, eternal life, that is freely given. But we have to make the decision to accept God's free gift. He doesn't force it upon us.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Our way of life will never conform to God's righteousness if left to our own way. God had to come and show us the only way to relationship with Him. And He even made it easier than the law given in the Old Testament. We are freely given a justification through Christ that helps us conform to God's standard for living. This justification is His decision to make us right in His eyes even though we are guilty and deserve punishment, without us having to do anything. We just have to accept it (verse 24).

Redemption was paid at a high price for each of us. It cost the life of Christ. God gave Jesus as a sacrifice to atone (make right) for our sins. We are reconciled - brought back into relationship with God - by our faith. The death of Jesus satisfies the demands of the law and the justice of God.

That's a lot to think about. In fact, at times, many have a difficult time relating to it. God did all of this to show that He is just, not one whose only goal is to punish sin. He wants relationship with us, and yes, since He is God, He gets to set the standard for that relationship. He does this to show us that He is the only one capable of providing justice.
He did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. Romans 3:26 (NIV)
He also does this to keep us from boasting about our own abilities. Boasting is good for forgetting or ignoring where our real help comes from. It ignores and forgets the true sovereignty and authority of God.

Upholding the law only comes through faith, and this faith is what God will use to judge the world. He made it pretty easy, so why do so many complicate it with their own rules? Why do so many spend so much time trying to blur the lines of righteousness?
  • Why do you believe people have such a hard time pursuing a life of holiness?
  • What are steps you can take for your own life to stay true to the righteousness God is presenting to you? How much do you really want to?
  • Does secret sin ever remain secret?
  • Have you ever wondered why God lets others get away with sinful practices? Are they really getting away with it? Do people need a little sin in their lives from time to time? Where do such thoughts originate?
  • Is relationship with God worth the effort to remain in righteousness?
  • What do people give up when they refuse to remain under God's plan of righteousness? What do they gain when they do remain?

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