Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Reduced - 2 Corinthians 7:1

2 Corinthians 7:1 NIV

"Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."

When you read the verses prior to this one, you read about avoiding idolatry (actions that do not put God first in our lives).  Those who accept Jesus as Savior become children of God - sons and daughters.  Having this promise, we are to purify ourselves.

As a minister, I encourage others through sermons to avoid sexual sins, drinking alcohol, smoking, using recreational drugs, over eating...but why?  I do so because of verses like this one.  Such activities contaminate your body.  This becomes even more important knowing that Jesus said we should follow the commandments which are summed up as loving God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength.  A contaminated body reduces our ability to do that.

No one is trying to reduce a person's ability to have fun or to put restrictions on them.  A purified body can accomplish so much more in life and have less problems than one contaminated.  God wants to free us from the things that reduce us.

As a minister, I also encourage people to avoid pornography, bad language, filthy lyrics, and more.  Why? These contaminate the spirit.  How can we love others properly when our spirits are contaminated?  God communicates His love for us through our spirit.  When we clutter our minds with the vile and the contemptible, we cannot hear God's love which impairs our ability to share it with others.

If you struggle with things that contaminate the body or spirit, then try avoiding them this week.  One, it will show you the control they have over you.  Two, if you can avoid it, you will notice how much easier loving God and others becomes.  Ask God to help you.  He will.

Contaminated bodies produce contaminated spirits (and vice versa).   Honor God this week by striving for holiness.

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