Ecclesiastes 11:5 NIV
"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things."
As my family and I sat around the table discussing this verse this morning, the discussion turned to how technology has changed over the years. In the eighties we used to imagine talking on our watches like telephones. Today, it is a reality. Then, wrist watches started having calculators and even games like PacMan. Now our phones have calculators, games, and more.
At the time this verse was written, people knew things but did not have the technology to back up their knowledge. They had to rely on God and His desire to help them understand the world.
No one person has full understanding of everything. That is why people pick and choose one particular direction for job searching. We rely on others to know and to learn the other things and hope they know their job as well as we know ours. With God, we can rely on Him to know all things. He created them.
Because God understands, He gives us the ability to persevere through the things that baffle us. Relying on God is not a weakness but a strength. There are some things in life we do not have to fully understand when God is our Lord. His peace is more than enough.
As you face life today, ask God for His peace. Ask Him to help you step through the darkness of the things you may not understand today. Will you trust Him even if He never reveals the why or the what? Trust Him and see what happens. You will be surprised.
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