Thursday, December 19, 2013

Young Again

2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

 One of my favorite films is "Monkey Business" starring Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers.  Grant's character is searching for a formula to make people feel and act young.  His trial and error lead to nothing until one day when his test monkey mixes in a few extra chemicals and presto...a young acting Cary Grant.  The movie has plenty of fun twists and turns and truly reveals Grant's comedic side.

People have tried for ages to find a Fountain of Youth or secret potion to make them young.  Yet, we still seem to age.  Paul in our verse for today was not describing a secret youth formula.  Instead, he was giving us a look into what happens when we truly become Christians or followers of Christ.

Christ's work starts a new creation within us.  We begin a new life, a new way of life, in which we must learn how to speak and to act and to be.  Some call this the BE, DO, KNOW of faith.  We have to be something new because the Holy Spirit encourages and draws us into this exciting new lifestyle.  We have to do new things in order to grow our faith and stay away from the things that once pulled us down.  We have to know Christ in order to know the Father in order to know who we are becoming.  We are new creations not without a past but without a past that cannot haunt us.  We have a new start in life to be and to do and to know how to live.

The old has gone away.  We are not trapped in our former sinful lives.  Selfish and lustful habits are no longer compatible with how we live our lives.  We are different on the inside because we have a new passion and a new outlook on life.  The new life is here.  It is found in Christ and brings a fresh new perspective for living - really living.  The old was dead on the inside.  The new is vibrant and looks to God for truth and for mercy and for grace. 

This new creation may not be the youth formula so many seek but it does reinvigorate us and provides purpose and belonging.  The way of sin pushes us away from everything and from everyone.  The way of Christ  pushes us towards everyone and to Him.  Of course, you could trust a monkey to mix up a perfect formula for a new life but I am betting choosing Christ is a lot easier and safer.

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