"Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice."
An online news source reported about a team that mapped out the seven deadly sins across the United States. The maps were very colorful. Found a lot of pride in the South. There was an overwhelming amount of greed in Southern Florida, Southern California, Washington D. C. northward, and Chicago - all liberal Democrat strongholds....

I must point out that the "seven deadly sins" are sins but they are none worse than any other sin. The closest we come to finding this list is in Proverbs 6:16-19 which lists seven things God hates. These sins cannot keep us from salvation! God will forgive those who repent and believe in Christ.
The point of the maps was to bring awareness of our shortcomings and not be too quick with judgment. We all may bear lumber in our eyes that needs to be plucked out...(Matthew 7:3).
This proverb points out pride. Pride unleashes strife because pride overlooks others and their needs. Pride reveals selfishness and refuses to accept responsibility for wrongdoing. A prideful person refuses the advice of those with wisdom. Pride puffs up a person into a false reality. The fall from pride is very costly.
Wisdom helps to quell pride. Pride is a rebellion of the soul that needs to be crushed. When a person accepts advice, he or she is acting in wisdom and humility. That person is admitting his or her limitations. Pride has a difficult time emerging when we are true to our finiteness.
Take inventory of yourself today. Where are you limited? Where could you use more help and have refused to admit it? Seek advice and start squashing any pride attempting to arise in your life. Then we can begin work on those maps and the deadly sins...we truly live in a colorful world.
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