Monday, December 9, 2013

Inclination Understanding Determination

Psalm 119:10 NIV

"I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands."

I am posting this on a Sunday.  Sunday is a day we put our church clothes on, turn our church mannerism on, and go to meet with the church.  We are earnestly attempting to please God and show others we love Him.  I believe for the most part we are being honest with ourselves.  But what happens to seeking God with all our heart from Monday to Saturday?

Let me share three words today.

Inclination - this is the condition of our innermost being in which we make choices.  If I am inclined towards God, then I will obey Him without others being around.  I am focusing my mind on Him.

Understanding - this is the desire of our innermost being to grasp knowledge and translate it into wisdom.  Understanding God is a daily process of prayer, of study, and of reflection.  I pray because I understand my relationship is personal.  I study because I want to cultivate the relationship.  I reflect to ensure I am not violating the relationship.

Determination - this is the perseverance necessary to stay on course.  My life with God is not a trip to be with the church once or twice a week.  It is fully attending to inclination towards God and the understanding I have of Him.

These three words all form the seeking God with our whole heart.  In this we find God's leading and how to listen to His Spirit's guidance. Here is where we do not stray from God.  So, how is your week shaping up?

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