Saturday, June 15, 2013

Let It Go

Romans 6:23 NIV

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Blogger changed the way I post using my phone so I am having to get used to the new functions.  I like this new way so far.  Sometimes you have to leave old things behind. 

For example, our verse today says the wages of sin is death.  I do not know about you but being paid in death dollars doesn't sound very appealing.  But living a life of sin without the purifying love of God is tantamount to suicide.  Sin is the most deadly form of life known to man.  It destroys livelihoods, relationships, and health.  Depression, divorce, anger, pride, selfishness, and all of life's evils have a root called sin.  Sin disrupts our ability to receive true life from God and rots us from the inside out.  Everything that comes from sin is earned.

There is a 'but'.  God has a free gift.  It is completely unearned and undeserved yet a gift nonetheless.   This gift crushes the power of sin and allows us to receive life from God.  It is a restoring life that begins here in this moment and emerges fully in eternal life after our death here on earth.  We receive hope for the future.

Eternal life is a gift in and through Christ Jesus.   He paid the price for sin by dying in our place and then conquering death to show us He has power over it and for giving us life eternal.  All we have to do is accept it, believe it, and acknowledge that Jesus is Lord and Savior of our life. 

We all have to face our mortality here on earth.  Today my family will bury my grandmother but we all know she trusted Jesus to be the Savior of her soul. 

He rescued her from death to free her for her life in heaven.  You can know that same peace and hope. 

Let Jesus give you the gift of eternal life because He loves you and died for you.  Leave sin behind today.


Jean Yontz said...

Once again David you have delivered a powerful message. I so appreciate your Godly insight and encouraging words. May you be blessed beyond measure.

Unknown said...

Thanks for being a frequent reader. God's Word makes my job easy.