R.E.M. had a hit a few years ago called "It's the End of the World and I Know It" with the tag line "And I feel fine". With the song stuck in the your head, please keep reading.
The world will come to an end one day, and I am fine with that knowledge. It reminds me that as a Christian I have surety in the end. In fact, Matthew 28: 18-20 tells me with certainty that Jesus will be with me always.
I am fine because I am not alone. I am fine because I also have a purpose.
Jesus tells us to "go". I am to be active in my faith. Jesus says to make disciples. I am to teach others how to follow the teachings of Jesus. Jesus adds all nations because He wishes none to perish but the all to have life. All should have an opportunity to experience abundant life through Christ. This why so many missionaries have given their lives - so others can live.
Jesus tells us to baptize the new disciples in the name. Notice this is one name. God is three in one. Three separate yet one. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are acting together. We baptize in their name so we can bear witness to our acceptance to the authority given to Him in heaven and on earth. Jesus is Lord and Savior. He saves us from our rightful death, and we submit to His authority as Lord. It takes both.
Jesus also tells us to teach His commands. We get our guidance from God's Word. We use the New Testament as a guide for life and the Old Testament as a clarification of the New. This is how Paul, Peter, John, Matthew, and the others taught (except they were writing the letters that would one day comprise the whole of the New Testament). To fully obey His commands, we have to fully accept His authority. If He is our Lord with all authority, then we are to obey His commands. We are not to pick and choose. We are not to change what we learn to better suite us or our lifestyles. We are to change to submit to His authority.
When the end of the world does arrive, we do not have any excuses. We have a purpose in Christ, and I feel fine. Do you?
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