Thursday, May 9, 2013

In Every Season Turn

I read Romans 12:10 this morning and started thinking about all the things that go wrong because we have a hard time loving others much less practicing it.

The Byrd's song "Turn, Turn, Turn" comes to mind as I type this.  Love cannot be seasonal but life is.  Love should not be conditional.

This verse simply tells us to be devoted to loving each other.  That takes intent on our part.  I have to choose to love the next person.  This means selfish motivation has to be in check.  I cannot be devoted to love without Christ's example.  His devotion to love was so great that He said, "Not my will but Yours," as He prayed before giving Himself over to die for us.  That is devotion to love.

The verse also reminds us to honor others above ourselves.  The word honor means to respect the value of the person.   Jesus placed the value on everyone equal to His life.  Are you valuing others the same as Christ?  Do you see them as worth His life?  Then prefer them or lead them in the way of love.  Cut out selfishness a watch others begin to soar.  It is a sight to see.

Turn your love and turn around a life.

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