Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Another Morning, Another Day

Psalm 59:16 NIV

"But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble."

Are you a morning person or an evening person?  For me, the situation dictates which I like.  I like evenings, though I do not get a lot accomplished.  I enjoy mornings, in which I am currently composing this post and preparing to go to work.

In the Psalm above, David is praising God once again for keeping him safe.   King Saul wanted David dead and had sent soldiers to watch David's home.  This is one of many times David escapes Saul.  In doing so, David praises God for His strength and His love.

For David, each new day represented by the morning is a new moment to put trust in God.  No matter what the circumstances that we face, each morning is another day for us to exalt God for He is more than able to sustain us through our stresses, problems, pains, and troubles.   God loves us too much to leave us alone in the time of our need.

God is also called a fortress and a refuge.  A fortress is a place of safety, and a refuge is a place of security.  A fortress takes on the worst of the storm or the enemies attack.  A refuge supplies mercy and justice.  God is full of unfailing love and will prevail in the lives of those who trust Him.  Take a moment this morning just to thank God for allowing you to wake up.  Then, take a moment to put your day in His hands.  Let God be the difference you need today.  Let this be a new way of life every morning.

His peace be with you.


Jean Yontz said...

Needed to be reminded of this today! Thanks so much for putting the "TRUTH" into words.

Unknown said...

Thanks Jean for reading today. I am glad God has used this post to encourage you today!