Monday, September 22, 2008

How NOT to Get Hired in 10 Easy Steps

Here is an adaptation to the following article from Career Builder (See article here).

10 Steps To Keep From Getting a Job:
  1. Never put contact information for previous employers - make those looking to hire you do more work
  2. Have lots of gaps between periods of employment. Look undesirable
  3. Be completely unprepared for your interview - don't have any legitimate questions or don't research the company you want to work for
  4. Don't provide references - they actually might get you hired
  5. Be very negative about previous employers
  6. Be a job hopper - Get as many jobs as you can in six months
  7. Give inconsistent answers in the interview (Keep them guessing about you)
  8. Don't be flexible - give them your demands!
  9. Don't craft your cover letter and resume to fit the company looking to hire you
  10. And above all, don't have any ambition - Waste Your Life
Follow any one or more of these ten and you are guaranteed not to get a job! Hope that helps.

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