This section of Scripture goes back to verse 26 of chapter 5. The actions of a Christian should be without conceit, provocation, or envy. Why? We are not “sin-proof”. Sin can still lead to our downfall and the above mentioned are sinful attitudes that reveal selfish pride.
Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Galatians 6:1 (NIV)With conceit, provocation, and envy out of our lives, we can show love to others who are struggling with sin. In fact, verse 1 tells us to be responsible for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ when they are “caught” in sin – caught meaning struggling with sin. We are to be faithful where Cain failed his brother, Abel. Cain killed Abel and tried to pass the buck of responsibility. We must not get the same attitude of Cain who “envied” his brother!
Of course, helping others should be done by those with spiritual maturity not a new Christian (though they should not be overlooked depending on their experiences). Mature spiritual Christian still have to be careful – sin is contagious.
Notice helping others with burdens fulfills the law of Christ. What is this law? Jesus said we are to love the Father with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength and to love others as we love ourselves. He also commands us to go and share the gospel with the entire world (baptism and discipleship included). Christ’s law is a law of action. Words without actions are just words. Love is a purpose filled action on our part.
Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else. Galatians 6:4 (NIV)To really understand the motives in our actions requires us to be honest with ourselves. Selfish pride puffs an ego up but love keeps us on an even keel. Conceit can make us believe we are better than we really are. When we test ourselves (look inside to see our real motives as to whether we are acting for ourselves or for Christ), we allow the Spirit to convict of selfish ambitions and help us realign with more Christ-like attitudes. Testing shows us if we are carrying our share of the responsibility placed upon us by Christ. We are all to be involved in the overall function of the church regardless of our roles.
Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor. Galatians 6:6 (NIV)Verse 6 is an important verse for those who believe that poverty is how a minister should live. Read it carefully! The Life Application Concise Net Testament Commentary says this:
Paul’s first admonition prescribed support of Christian teachers (the true teachers as opposed to the false teachers) in the Galatia churches. These teachers were serving full-time in preaching and teaching. The congregations (those who are taught the word of God) should voluntarily and generously provide for the teachers’ needs. This included financial support and sharing material items and services, as well as personal encouragement.—Life Application Concise New Testament CommentaryVerses 7-10 remind us that words or lip service do not equate with action. We cannot speak like God and then act like Satan! If we spend our lives acting in sin, then we will reap hell as an eternal reward. If we act without love, then we cannot reap or inherit God’s promise. If we keep in step with the Spirit, follow the law of Christ, and display the fruit of the Spirit, then eternal life if our reward. Do good to all people, but especially “to those who belong to the family of believers.”
- How would you describe your spiritual maturity?
- Have you been guilty of having a “Cain-like” attitude towards fellow Christians?
- What do you think about the law of Christ?
- How do you interpret verse 6?
- What are your thoughts about verses 7-10?
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