A lot of people would say that budgets are for people with limited resources. The same people are probably living from paycheck to paycheck and suffering under extreme amounts of debt. These people will also believe that their home is an asset and that saving can be done once they have settled down.
Think again. Budgets are the foundation to financial stability and financial intelligence. You will never meet a wealthy person who doesn't understand their spending habits or their personal financial statements.
Real wealth is accumulated when a person plans their actions. If you do not control your spending, then your spending will control you. When your spending controls you, your ability to grow wealth is stifled and you spend more years digging out of debt instead of staying out of debt.
Crown Ministries has several excellent guides about budgeting to which you can compare your spending. (Spending Guides)
If you are looking to begin a budget, then Crown can also help you get started with their budget guide. (Financial Planning Guide)
What do you have to do to begin a sound financial plan? What obstacles do you face? When will you get started?
Only you can break the chain of debt in your life. Get control of your spending and experience the stress relief it provides!
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