Thursday, January 23, 2014

Part of the System

Colossians 1:16 NIV

"For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him."

I recently reposted a link from a Christian author and speaker:

Imagine If You Found a Sex-Ed Poster Asking This Provocative Question at Your Daughter’s Middle...

Only two people responded - both of who I hold dear. I repost things like this because I like seeing how people react and to what extreme.  The sad part is, very few people had anything to say or just do not want to be involved in debate - especially with school.

Has society's ills so permeated our lifestyles and culture that we are no longer moved?  Is this how far society has evolved?  Do we not moderate our culture and our governing bodies with God's Word anymore?  Weren't they created for Him?

My wife and I are very active in the lives of our children.  When we see something we do not care for, we speak up.  When we like something, we get involved.  We do all of this because of verses such as the one for today - "in Him all things we created".  All things were created for Him which include authorities (yes, even schools). 

However, as Christians, what we choose to let them become or what we choose to do with them should be tempered by and through our relationship with Christ.

Without blaming the schools alone, uninvolved parents who are supposed to be involved and supposed to be part of the "system" are also to blame. I know first hand what happens when parents get involved and stop run away school systems - i.e. as a product of "mastery learning" and values clarification/secular humanism.

In the school system I attended, we were expected to suspend all learning in order to have a values clarification class once a month.  I call it indoctrination into secular humanism.  Yes, it did support and teach humanistic values as more important and as a replacement for religious values. 

One "values clarification" class wanted us to identify five things we value.  I wrote, "God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, my family,  and church."  The teacher, in front of everyone, said that I cannot value God.  She told me that religion could not be valued...Imagine that.  That's what happens when secular humanism is subtly introduced. By the way, secular humanism is foundational for communism....but that is for another conversation.

Parents caught wind of what was going on and forced change.  The leadership of the school brought it into the system but when parents found out the truth behind values clarification and its humanistic curriculum, they invoked their right to be a part of the process - part of the system.

As the link above says, "imagine if".  How would you respond?  How are you staying involved?   What have you prepared your kids for?  If you haven't or are not, who is and will? 

I want parents to be involved before they face this.  I want them to help make the changes.  If that means running for the school board, being involved with PTO,  or volunteering, then do so.  Become a proactive member of the system and not a reactionary one. 

In doing so, however, do not forget God.  Seek Him and find out how He sees education, government, family, and church.  Then, get involved.  Sticking with the school system subject - do not let your school system (and everything else) be anything less than what God created it to become.   Do not hide away until the Second Coming.  You are a vital part of the school system.  Learn what is going on, how it operates, and how you can become active.  If you do not like it, then find out how to change it.  But make sure it aligns with what God intended or you may be part of the problem too.

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