Monday, July 29, 2013

In the End

Job 19:25 NIV

"I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth."

About1000 years before Christ was born, Job mentions the Redeemer.  Talk about foreshadowing.  Why would a redeemer be needed?  Mankind's sins demanded a ransom.  SO let me stop here.  Redeemer?  Ransom?  All these churchy words being used here.  Yes.

A redeemer is one willing to pay the debt of another.  If you owed ten thousand dollars to a company that demanded payment immediately, any person who came to your aid and paid the money for you would be the redeemer.  They satisfied your debt.  I could always use a redeemer....Sorry I digress.  Some redeemers may ask that the price be repaid in labor while others may forgive the debt.  When speaking of Jesus, He is the redeemer of the debt we owe due to sin.

Why do we owe anything for sin?  Sin has a price - death.  Sin placed the ransom of death on our life.  We are not wanted dead or alive by sin.  We are wanted dead.  There is not any other way to satisfy sin.  Sin destroys, and it leads to death.  Some try to live by the law.  The problem is that the law cannot redeem.  Justice is used to help pay the price.  But death is the only justice for sin.  God's law or any other law can only show us how guilty we are.  Our guilt and shame cannot be paid by anything we do.  We need a Redeemer.  We needed someone to pay the price for our sin.  That person had to be sinless.  That person had to live without sin.  But all of us are born into sin.  We all have the seed of Adam.  Except one - Jesus.

Jesus was born fully man and yet He remained fully God.  How?   I guess it is part of His awesomeness.  All bloodlines come from the father.  Science has proven this.  Mary just carried the baby Jesus.  The seed that connected with the egg from Mary came from God.  Jesus was able to be born without inheriting the sinful bloodline that led back to Adam.  He was born without sin.

Our Redeemer.  Our Savior.  Our Lord.  We owe Him everything yet all He asks is for our loyalty.  Job called it long before Jesus was born. But notice Job says, "my redeemer lives."  Jesus was living already.  He is not a created being.  He is not an angel.  He is God who exists forever.  Job knew this and accepted this without wavering.

Then Job announced that the redeemer would in the end stand on the earth.  Jesus came to earth.  He stood on it, walked on it, died in our place on it, and rose to life again on it.  He paid our debt.  Then He promised to return once more.  Job says "in the end."  The end hasn't arrived.  I wish I could tell you the date.  Jesus said to be ready.  In the end, He will stand on the earth.

Don't wait for the last minute to become loyal to Him for the free gift He gives as a redeemer.  He did this for you so you can live life to the fullest.  Stop living an incomplete life.  Let Christ complete you and enjoy the adventure.  There is a lot of life out there to enjoy.  Experience the joy of being a follower of Christ.  Experience the peace of knowing your sin debt is paid.  And be ready for when the redeemer returns to stand His ground.  In the end, I will be there with you.  Talk with God today.

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