Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Bet You $10,000!

Have you ever heard a kid on the play ground say something totally absurd?  Then another kid challenges the first and says, "No way!."  Then the first has this perfect come back," You wanna bet?  I bet you a million dollars it's true!"  Last night the two children showed up in the Republican race - Romney said, "No way!" and Perry, "Yes way!" and then Romany said "You wanna bet!"

People wonder why Romney stays steady in the polls.  I can tell you - when the real Romney shows up, he acts more childish than presidential.  Perry did not help himself either last night.

I was leaning towards one candidate (neither of the above) until that candidate proved unworthy.  Now I am slowly realizing how some ideas being presented are really good but no one candidate has a solid policy speech.

I liked 9-9-9 (I like the FairTax better).  I like a lot of what Santorum says on conservatism. I haven't found much connection with Bachman.  Paul makes a lot of sense on national policies but I do not completely agree with his international stance.  Perry was a Democrat and now he is a Republican.  Romney...well, he is Romney.  Newt may be the smartest one on the stage but will he stay honest?

I would love a candidate to come out and say, "We are going to pay off the national debt in 15 years.  We will cut $750 billion dollars out of the budget and apply it to the debt and raise taxes by $250 billion.  We will use all 1 trilllion to pay down our debt!"  That's radical!  What can a nation do if it is debt free?  Anything it wants!

I would like to here a candidate say, "We will suspend every piece of the Healthcare debacle until our debt is paid off!  We cannot afford it!  Then after the debt is paid off, we will revisit healthcare in the proper manner."

I want to here someone say, "Government cannot create jobs."

I want to here someone be honest enough to say corporations do not pay taxes!  When they are asked to pay more taxes, we pay it!  They pass the buck off to us!

I just want some honesty.

Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labor. Prov 12:24 (NIV)

The Congress proves this.

It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury-- how much worse for a slave to rule over princes! Prov 19:10 (NIV)

Anyone who is in Congress or any elected position and has debt - is a slave! These slaves rule over us! I am debt free.

Oh how much more I wish to say but I will save it for another day.

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