Friday, October 29, 2010

Matthew 4:18-22 – The Chosen

The account given by Matthew of those chosen as apostles seems a bit different than the accounts given by Luke and John. But when you realize that Matthew mainly gives account of what He was taught and what he knew first hand, you will realize that Matthew was one of the last to be called to serve and was not present when the others were called.

Jesus may have been grooming His apostles for a while. When you look at the accounts in Luke and John, you read about interactions Jesus had with the first disciples. Jesus had to show these men who He was before He could get them to just “drop their nets and follow.” These men knew Jesus and anticipated a chance to follow Him.

At the same time, there is biblical evidence of teachers choosing their students simply by walking by and telling them to follow: for example how Elijah chooses Elisha. Yet again, Elisha would have known about the great ministry of Elijah. These men would have known this story. They probably had seen others chosen by teachers in the same manner. Such a rare opportunity was highly honored. People did not follow simply to follow. They followed because they expected to be taught.

These men followed because they knew Jesus was a powerful teacher who taught with great power. They were eager to serve under such a teacher, and as time with Him would tell, they came to know Him as the Messiah as the Spirit of God revealed to them.

Jesus was very intentional about going down and choosing these men. These men wanted God. He knew their diligence and under stood their desire to work hard. He may have known their hearts through the limited interaction He had with them.

How would you have acted if Jesus told you that you would fish for men?
How determined were these men to follow Jesus?
How much do you want God?

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