Thursday, September 30, 2010

Anatomy of a Word - Democrat Versus Submission

This morning my son was trying to rhyme cat with another word, so he came up with "crat".  My wife and I told him how that word was used to make up another word - democrat which I defined in jest as false politician.  I decided to look up the anatomy of the word.  Boy was I wrong.

Demo actually means people.  A democrat is supposedly someone for the people.  Then I looked up "-crat".  -Crat means "ruler, member of a ruling party or (for full disclosure) advocate of a particular form of rule."  So what does this mean?

Is a democrat:
  • a ruler over people?
  • member of a ruling party over people?
  • or one who advocates a particular way of ruling over people?
Democrat Alan Grayson seems to fit all three.  In an ad against his opponent, he LIES about the content of Mr. Webster's address to men.  Mr. Webster was teaching men how to pray for their wives.  Alan Grayson compared this Christian viewpoint with those of the Taliban!

This democrat was comparing a Christian viewpoint with that of the Taliban, who beat their wives, makes them wear ungodly outfits, and forbid them to speak in public (just to name the more humane acts).  The Taliban are the worst form of religious fools and are completely dangerous to civilized living.  How dare a democrat compare Christianity with that!

Mr. Webster's view about women was that men should pray as the Bible says -
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
Ephesians 5:25 (NIV)
Men should pray that they can love their wives so much that they would give their very lives for them!  Paul spoke to women and asked them to submit to their husband which means that she should voluntarily submit to a love that reflect Christ's love - a sacrificial love to build up the woman as she lives to build up her man!  Any man who truly loves his wife loves himself because she is a part of him.  A man should never pray that his wife is submissive (maybe that he is worthy of her submission)!

Submission serves a dual purpose.  It allows a man to be a man since Adam did not man up and keep Eve from the fruit, and it keeps men in check in how they love their wives.  If women do not give men this opportunity men become frustrated.  If men do not submit to this means of love then wives become subjugated to a unhealthy relationship. 

Alan Grayson does not deserve to serve people when he portrays an outright lie about Christianity and his opponent.  Sorry for the rant but I needed to vent.  What do you think?

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