Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sharing In Ministry

Philippians 4:10-23

If you have been to church you have probably heard a guest speaker talking about their ministry to some remote part of the world or some inner city place or some sort of specialized ministry. Usually these men and women will ask you to partner with them in their efforts. I try to support two such ministries.

People in these situations are called by God to minister in places need God but it takes funding to pull off a lot of what they plan on doing. Paul is one of those people. He responds to God, and God provides through various churches. For the Philippians to share in this ministry was an investment in spreading the Good News.

Paul’s hardships are well noted. In this passage he mentions how he has learned to become content in all circumstances. He had endured periods of hunger and periods of being well fed.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Philippians 4:12 (NIV)

What is the secret to being content? We do all things through the One who gives us strength – Jesus Christ. This strength is the power Jesus speaks of in Acts 1:8. It is a power from the Holy Spirit who enables us to be witnesses to the grace of God. The secret is allowing ourselves to be content with the One who is more than sufficient!

If we cannot be content with Christ here on earth – will we be content with Christ in eternity? Think hard about this. Some people spend a lifetime in church and never find contentment with Jesus. They want more and more and more but never find sufficiency. They fail to understand that for God supply all their needs – they have to become content.

Ministers who work all their lives trying to bring God’s message to places that are in dire straits are those who learn this message. They see God move in humanly impossible situations. Why shouldn’t we share in their ministry? We are to be used of God to become the material supply God uses to provide the needs of these ministries. In doing so, we share in God’s miraculous work.

Nothing is hopeless when we learn to be content. Nothing is impossible for God. Things become impossible for us when we are not satisfied with God. Contentment teaches us to be grateful. Paul gratefulness is seen in his appreciation for the gifts given to him. He calls the gift a pleasing and acceptable sacrifice to God. Paul also shows his appreciation in his greeting to those to whom he was writing.

As this study ends, let me leave you with this parting thought. Ministry goes beyond our imagination. God’s plans are always bigger and always better then we can conceive. Partnering with others is one way for us to see how He paints us into the larger picture. It gives us ownership of the investment we are making to see the kingdom of God expand. Learn to be content with what you have and learn to sacrifice from time to time. Be the difference God is planning for you to be. Then watch how His riches in glory overwhelm your life. Just saying…
  • Are you learning to be content in every situation?
  • Are you content with God?
  • How are you involved in sharing in the ministry of missionaries?

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