Monday, August 9, 2010

Sarah Palin in Atlanta

I saw Gov. Palin speak a little while ago.  She is a very engaging speaker.  She even said "'y'all" for us Southerners.  Mrs. Palin was speaking in favor of Karen Handel on this last day before the run-off.  I was really excited by the standing room only crowd that attended.

My aunt was interviewed by both NPR and CBS news as we awaited the speech.  I was standing there hoping to have my first TV interview or radio interview (I even shaved and combed my hair).  But nope - they did not want to hear from me.  Oh well.   At least they filmed me holding my sign!  Oh no, I am sounding like a political groupie!

Jeff Hullinger has forever made me the man who kept Karen from stepping in it several weeks ago so I guess I have had my fifteen minutes.  I wished they had kept that video up on 11Alive News because it was very comical.  I saw Jeff today and should have given him a hard time about it but instead I ask if he was going to try to move through the mob that moved towards Mrs. Palin after the speech.  He said maybe in his younger years as he used to do when he needed to speak to Bobby Cox.  Then he got a gleam in the eye and said if he could find his cameraman he might give it a try.

I was amazed at how rude people became as Mrs. Palin attempted to sign autographs and greet people.   The mob was relentless.  I stood on the outskirts because that was as brave as I wanted to be.  I saw people throw a baby towards Mrs. Palin just to get a picture (okay, maybe not throw but I cannot imagine how frightened that child was).  Seriously folks, Mrs. Palin is just another person who happens to be well known.  She's not Jesus.  Touching her will not bring you added health.

I can almost imagine what Jesus faced as he pressed through the crowds who clamored to get a glimpse of Him.  I can imagine the numbers of people who tried to touch Him as He passed by.  I can imagine little Zacchaeus trying to find a place to see this wonder who passed through his town.  People are driven towards hope.  Maybe that's why people push in to try to touch someone like Sarah Palin.  They want hope and maybe someone of her stature offers it to them.

Only Jesus can give us true hope, however.  Think about about that today.

Also, if you are in a state with a run-off tomorrow, go vote.  Christians need to stop the apathy they show towards voting.  Get involved.  See you at the polls.

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