Thursday, July 1, 2010

Restoring with Love

Amos 9: 11-15

God has a plan to restore Israel to her glory under His grace. These few verses hold a world of truth about the love God has for mankind.

Israel deserved complete destruction. Instead, God separated the weeds (sinners) from the wheat (those who followed Him). Destruction was certain for the land but restoration was certain for the remnant. The day of restoration would be a day to behold. The cities would be restored, the leadership would return, and the ruins would be made new. When the people returned, they would return with everything they needed to succeed. God would set upright all that was thrown down in the judgment.

I love verse 13:
"The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills. Amos 9:13 (NIV)

The harvest would come in so fast that those planting would not be able to keep up those picking. This is kind of how my dad and I feel while we are picking blueberries. I pick around a bush and find that more berries are ready to be picked. God pours out love in tremendous doses. When He says abundance, He means abundance. He is never lack in how He cares for those who love Him.

If the United States is being set up for an upheaval, I believe God already has plans to save those who are called by His name. Would it be hard? Oh, yes! But nothing is impossible for God.

God promises to return all the exiles to Israel. He also promises that they will rebuild and reestablish their homes. He finally promises that they would never again be removed. Is that what we are seeing today? We watch as militant Islamic terrorists try to discourage the Israelites in hopes of sending them fleeing. They still remain. God’s hand is mighty to save. I only hope enough people recognize this in the United States.
  • Where does your hope for the future rest?
  • How does verse 13 speak to you?
  • Would you be ready to share or give everything to save Christians in the midst of persecution?

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