Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Being Honest About Relationships

Many people are strolling through life looking for the one person. What makes that person the one? Well...

"Here are 3 honest questions to ask yourself about your relationship with your partner:

Compatibility - How compatible are we in spiritual beliefs, intelligence, energy level, interests and activities, and values?

Character - How would I judge my partner's character in vital qualities such as integrity, honesty, faithfulness, reliability, humility, self-control, and gentleness?

Communication - How would I rate our communications skills in:

  • Disclosure - Willingness to share about each day and about our lives
  • Negotiation - Ability to reach win-win decisions
  • Conflict resolution - Capacity to resolve issues and restore intimacy"

From Christian Single, May 2004, p. 18

How honest are you about relationships? If you cannot answer these questions honestly, you do not have a relationship.

On the other end, do not change who you are just to make the answers fit. You would be lying to yourself and your future partner.

If the person you want to date cannot fit the compatibility questions, you will not make it to the character issues.

Living Together

Here is an issue I hear a lot about. The short answer is to say it is wrong and will end up causing more pain and hurt than solving your temporary loneliness.

But to give you more here is a great explanation: No marriage? No Ring?...No Problem

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