Monday, January 14, 2008

Managing Your Time (Part 3)

1 Thessalonians 3:13-18

Have you ever wished you could get away with speeding like some others? Or have you ever wished you could take a few short-cuts in your business or school work?

Just the other day, a speeder passed me and several other cars in a no passing zone. I wanted so much to do the same thing. I became a little impatience and a little jealous because I know the first time I try it, I am going to be the one who gets caught.

Doing the right thing can seem redundant and boring at times. It can be tiring. It seems as if there will not be any reward for our efforts in doing them. But what does eternity hold for us compared to this fleeting moment we call life here on earth?

Paul tells the believers in Thessalonica to avoid those who call themselves Christians and do not do the right things. Much like people want to avoid us if our life reflects a lifestyle of disorder. This seems to be a little harsh, but who wants to around someone who only wants to pull us down. Our lives are too short to waste them in pursuits that do not build up relationships.

Managing your time goes beyond just getting things right. Anyone can get things right and completely miss out on building relationships. Seniors in their late seventies and eighties do not regret missed pursuits and missed businesses. They regret not building better relationships with those they love.

Take a moment and think about what relationships you could strengthen or repair and start to pray for them. Use your time wisely and start creating priorities. I suggest the following:
1. God
2. Family
3. Church
4. Work
5. Recreation

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all"

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