Friday, December 26, 2014

After It's Over - Luke 2:20

Luke 2:20 NIV

"The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told."

A lot of the rejoicing we do centers around what God has done.  The shepherds did.  They rejoiced because they were given instructions about a child born that day.  They found everything as they had been told, and they returned to their flocks rejoicing.

But how many times have we glorified and praised God for what we have seen and heard after a church service?  I know I have been guilty of saying things like the choir was off or the pastor was a little long winded or the sanctuary was too cold.  Satan loves it when we are distracted because it reduces what we see and hear.

What do we do about it?  First, we remember that God's house is a house of prayer.  If you have a difficult time paying attention or are easily distracted, arrive early and find a place to pray.  Ask God to help you see and hear Him.  Focus on God first and all else begins to slip away.

Second, if you are distracted by something recognize the distraction and help.  Maybe you have a talent or gift that you could better utilize during the service rather than sitting.  I know people who do a better job being active than they do sitting still. Join the sound team, work with children, or engage others on your church's welcome team.  Serving others is a sure way to help focus your attention.

Finally, learn not to be so critical.   The church is trying to serve, and they are allowed to be off once in awhile.   If it is consistently off...well you just might not be in the church God had called you too.

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