Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Distractions and Work

When I imagined the re:launch of this site, I had visions of grandeur.  I imagined all the people who would stop by and leave a comment.  I imagined the great topics that would be discussed.  I imagined the plethora of ideas that would jump out for posts.  Then reality struck.

I did not imagine having two 30 page papers due at the same time.  I did not imagine the extra time needed to ensure I posted regularly (I mean, you do want something to read right?).  I did not imagine having so much to post and not having any idea where to start.

Blogging is a joy for me.  I can get out some ideas, test the waters for thoughts, and release frustration when needed.  I am still thinking through the actual theme of this site.  I will be continuing to post my commentary.  I am wanting to rewrite my Christian Business posts and add all the wealth of information I have gleaned from my MBA classes.  I want to discuss personal finance and wealth and budgeting.  I want to rant about politics (okay not rant but come up with better suggestions). 

As my classes are ending, I want to ensure you that my postings will come more often.  I am working on a vision and mission statement only to keep me focused.  I am working on a few other things which I will reveal in coming weeks.  In fact, I may just take you through setting up a business.  We shall see.  In the meantime, I have to finish the two papers and prepare for the capstone class next semester and the 65 page paper awaiting for me there.  If I seem infrequent just send a reminder (or a prayer) my way as I finish up my degree.  I look forward to sharing more with you!


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