Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Understanding Relationships

Colossians 3:18-4:1

The subject of relationships has had the eye of many authors. Thousands of books and thousands of hours of psychological lab studies have been invested to understand and explain relationships in our lives. But at times, relationships still do not seem any simpler. Then we look at what Paul did in this letter:

First, he shows us how to get our focus back on the Supreme – Jesus Christ. This helps the depravity of our hearts due to sin. We get that fixed by Him.

Next, we are to understand our lives through Christ’s power. He gives us power to do the right things. He gives us power to know the wrong things and to avoid them. He gives us power so we do not fear and can follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Ephesians 5:2 (NKJV)

Then, as we rid ourselves of temperaments and lifestyles that create barriers to real relationships, we can start acting in the love, joy, and peace that Jesus died and rose again to give us. Sin is life’s barrier to true relationship and unless we choose to walk in love, today’s passage is hard to accept!

Wives are to submit as is fitting to the Lord. What does that really mean? When you search other similar references (1 Corinthians 11:3, Ephesians 5:22-24, 33; Titus 2:4), one could twist the words of God to mean that a woman should not have a voice. But digging a little deeper into historical viewpoints, women in some cultures dominated religious practices and were at times rebellious in their actions.

Submission taught women in those times how to love their husbands properly – the way Jesus loved. Jesus loved selflessly. Submission showed a woman that through love she could strengthen her man! Ladies, want your husband to be a man? Treat your husband with respect, let him be right sometimes, learn how to agree with his decisions, and trust him! Men need to feel trusted, especially if they are going to take the role of spiritual leadership in the family! If a woman is getting married and still expects to maintain her independence, then say goodbye to that marriage. It will not last!
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Colossians 3:19 (NIV)

“But submission leads to domineering and abusive husbands, and it reduces women to second class citizens.” Does it? Look at verse 19. Husbands are to do two things: love and don’t be harsh. Love means that men should do more than just “keep mama happy.” Love means a man takes an interest in the woman he married: what makes her happy; brings her joy; causes tears or fears; what is she thinking and feeling; how does she view the family; what does she see in the future for the family. Love means we, as men, notice the efforts of our wives and the work that they are doing.

Harshness comes from not respecting the woman you choose to marry. Women have opinions, and yes, they do hear from God! By being respectful men build up their wives. Never tear you wife down in public be exposing her mistakes, failures, or weaknesses. Respect will bridge communication divides because men have to want to hear from their wives in order to be respectful.

Both husbands and wives (future, prospective, and current) should go back and re-read Colossians 3:1-17. If you act in the ways prescribed, then verses 18 and 19 will not be a problem.

Children learn to please God! How? Obey your parents! Simple. Disobedience to your parents tells God, you don’t love Him. Why? A true worshiper seeks to please God at all times and in all things. “What if they tell me to kill someone?” This is a bad argument because we all understand that we are to follow God first. Obedience means you get home when they tell you to, call to tell your parents where you are, follow the rules they set, get your homework done, don’t date that person, and on and on. Obedience teaches diligence, patience, perseverance, respect, and so much more. Besides, honoring your parents leads to a longer life (read the Ten Commandments).

Fathers don’t embitter, discourage, or dishearten your kids. Bengel said, “A broken-down spirit is fatal to youth.” If your kids never believe they are good enough for you, then they will not believe they are good enough for God.

Discipline teaches kids how to accomplish things. However, discipline and punishment are not the same thing. Punishment is an action to reinforce discipline when a wrong has happened. Discipline is tempered by punishment. Punishment alone without teaching discipline will crush a child’s spirit, destroy their self respect, and even cause them to quit trying. Discipline builds up. Do it parents.

Verses 3:22-4:1 are great guides for employees and employers. If you work for someone, then you should obey your boss (accept when you are asked to cross legal, ethical, or moral lines). Don’t compromise your faith. You should especially be obedient when your boss is not looking because when they are not looking, God is! Everything we do reflects our faith and working hard shows you know the heritage you are stepping into. Lazy employees don’t expect much from God. My God is a big God.

Employers, your business is your business but! Yes, there is a “but”! But it is not all about you. If you are hiring someone, then you are telling them that you are willing to care for them in return for their labor. When you keep demanding unreasonable demands or demanding more from them without proper compensation, you are telling them you stopped caring. Don’t demand more out of an employee that you are willing to pay for! Learn from companies who have employees that love their jobs and find out why.
  • How are your relationships? Can you find room for improvement? How?
  • What are your thoughts about submission?
  • Do you know a man who shows love and is not harsh?
  • Do you need to apologize to your parents?
  • Have you been teaching discipline?
  • How is your relationship with your boss or with your employees?

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