Wednesday, February 11, 2009

An Awkward Moment in Love

One of my favorite silent film stars is Harold Lloyd. He was an genius. Here is an awkward moment from The Freshman:

He who pursues righteousness and love
finds life, prosperity and honor.
Prov 21:21 (NIV)
The funny thing about love is that so many people have misused the word that they have a very difficult time seeing it when it is right in front of them. The proverb tells us that by pursuing righteousness and love we will find ourselves on the path of life, of prosperity, and of honor.

Righteousness and love find their beginning in God and their meaning in how we respond to them. It is a pursuit that requires us to relinquish everything we understand about love here and embrace everything that God is.

This is why our obsession with the way the word love is used ("I love food"; "I love this band"; "I've fallen in love") usually leaves us misunderstanding God's love. His love is much more than we can ever attribute to Him in our finite understanding.

God's love is sacrificial and yet forgiving. It is demanding yet without burden. It is a gift and can never be earned. It is freely attained yet only to those willing to receive it. It is unique in all facets and gives without ever being exhausted.

Righteousness is a way of life. Through righteousness we act in the love. This is where we find life. Life delivers passion and compassion, and this is where we discover prosperity. Prosperity comes with responsibility and trust, and this is where we receive honor.

If you want to have a honest relationship with anyone, then try walking in love and following a lifestyle of righteousness. You will soon see your friends, spouses, family, co-workers, and enemies with different eyes - how God sees them in His passionate pursuit of them all.

Pursue God and let Him pursue you; it's a fabulous journey.

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